

"Today I woke up with sore throat, it scratched me to speak, and just like this Pascal said, close your eyes and relax your shoulders. I did not know what he was doing, but in 3 minutes, my throat was fine, fine." Nuria Vela, Social Educator, Barcelona, Spain



“You helped me to put spiritual world into a practical life. Before I read so many books about the spiritual things and they were great and I learned so many things but it was always only the theory - somehow I could not turn them into a real life. So you helped me to get started to do the action and to LIVE IT! And I can’t wait for the rest of my life!!! :-) As my favorite singer Celine Dion sings! – So Pascal, thank you very much for coming my way and showing me who I am and the power I have inside!!!!” 

Marcela Placatkova, Manager, Prag, marcela.pl@seznam.cz


"The Summer is gone, but some moments, especially from the Celtic circle, I will never forget! It was for the first time in my life that I consciously experienced this feeling that people, trees and the surrounding countryside penetrated me as one in a beautiful image. The symbiosis, cooperation and enthusiasm of all was wonderful – in unpleasant conditions of endless rain! We got all cleaned. Each one of us showed his best, and there was created a deep feeling of heart connection between us. What I took with me from this meeting was the understanding that we need to walk among the people and find those who wish to be found. You called it "soul mates". Living this way in peace and tranquility we would not be touched so much by all the worries of daily life. Thank You! " Renáta Vocíková, Prague (after Retreat in Babcice)



“In a few words, Pascal is just a COMPLETE human being!
In few simple words Pascal is a master of his soul and life. Through his attention Pascal has managed to control his choices, and master the dream of his life. He has a great ability to guide you to create anything you want to create; show you the way that you can do anything you want to do. The dream of your life is going to go wherever you want to take it!” Florentina Niculae-Evans, Teacher at Strothoff International School, Germany


„Maybe because it happened almost one year ago, my feelings are not so strong anymore. However  I can still perceive that your workshop gave me „something“. Sometimes I would like to share my exciting feelings of my beautiful life with other people but they do not understand my words. And this is the point I like so much on your performance. It is not about words but about experiencing.“   Petra Sobodka, Sport Assesor of National Nordic Skiteam, Prague



“3 months ago I was feeling very lost and confused, so my friend invited me to go with her in one of Pascal's workshop.

I accepted and for my surprise it was everything that I needed in my life. I could see what was wrong in my life and I take the best path for me. I felt so comfortable sharing with others experiences, fears, happiness. I recommend this workshop for everybody.” Luciana Farina, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, luciana_farina@hotmail.com 



Until now I behaved in strange way to make others happy and forgetting myself, being a women upon the expectation of others. I have a gift of empathy but forgot being myself. … It was all about getting ATTENTION. 

A process has started in me – it is a quantum jump!” Milada Pfefferová, Bratislava, Slovakia milada.pfeffer@gmail.com


(Testimonial of the workshop "How to Prepare myself for my Dream-Partner")



"Thank you for the wonderful seminar! I feel very good. The clouds that before the seminar were still darkening my sun, have vanished.
I was able to win a lot of good insights and not only to overcome my fear of disease.
I thank you all from my heart! Birgit Kobs from Süsel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, teacher,


"This concentrated energy that emerged, I took it with me and finally transposed it in creativity (in Kreativität umgesetzt) ... This is crazy and lots of fun ... I send you a hug from my heart, Anke. " Anke Schmidt, artist, Hamburg, Germany, Anke_Schmidt@gmx.de.


"The dream of my book came after being in your lecture. Your presentation has helped me very much in my life. It is true that you should lift it up to a creative frequency. Pascal K'in Greub, you are a true master, easy, friendly and very helpful. Thank you!
In any case, the day on which I will success publishing my book, I will send you one." Martha Flores, México DF,


I recently attended the World Spirit Forum in Arosa, Switzerland. Pascal K’in Greub’s seminar “Soul Wisdom – our timeless knowledge in a broader consciousness” was clearly the most impactful experience of the Forum. He is a gifted seminar leader.

As I am a coach I was very impressed with Pascal’s knowledge, caring and style. I became more centered by attending his workshop.

George Johnson, Consultant, Michigan, U.S.A., www.telavision.tv.



"I would recommend your seminar to everyone. It gave me more balance, strength and the ability, to laugh lovingly at things that I was struggling with. There are currently so many books, DVD's etc. on the subject to improve his life, but your course really succeeds in a few hours! Anyone can try things in it, that before only were a dream. It really is an experience that changes your life! "
Marta Noskova, International Trainer in Meridian Energy Techniques, Prag,



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