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LifeTreeSystem© - 7 Secrets to your Sustainable Leadership for life and business

"We are like the rings of a trunk: we grow and get stronger and mature, every ring is like a new level in our conciousness." Pascal K'in Greub  


The LifeTreeSystem© offers 7 different perspectives of your existence to you, and gives you 7 keys to open the gateway to your inner wisdom. It highlights that you have all in you, that it is time to be yourself again.


Join us and learn to resolve life situations creatively receiving answers and solutions that you would have never imagined.



Did you ask yourself sometime:

What are the secrets of outstanding and successfull people?


Outstanding people are like good actors, some simply "have got it".

- And the others?

- Can one learn this?


Yes, it begins recognizing that leadership and teamwork are processes in human learning. And it begins with how you treat your own body, the emotions, mind and spirit.



The 7 Secrets that will receive every participant will be anchored through the 7 movements of sustainable leadership and 7 positive affirmations, because if you are 100% convinced that you will make it - then you really will achieve it! 

Info in Spanish about the same seminar given as key speaker at Expo Human Capital, Mexico City, 11.11.2011.




What you will achieve using the 7 Secrets:

  • Convert your talents into an inexhaustible source of wealth and find treasures in your life where you would have never imagined.
  • Successfully influence your life and others, exercising a Sustainable Leadership.
  • Always dispose of surprising and alternative solutions, using the 7 Keys-tool to Solve Problems Creatively.



For who is this seminar?


It is aimed at anyone who likes to explore his potential to live happier, efficient and manifest his dreams. In particular we welcome entrepreneurs and business people who want to improve their productivity and team collaboration.


Duration: basic seminar 3 hs. (profound version until 8 hs.)



2012 year of manifestation through the law of resonance, using the door of your heart and a clear, open mindset
2012 year of manifestation through the law of resonance, using the door of your heart and a clear, open mindset








The didactic sheet of the 7 Keys of the LifeTreeSystem© at present is avaible in Spanish and German (but can be translated into other languages anytime).

Buy it in your E-Shop.

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Símbolo ancestral de la conciencia del corazón y su expansión. / Ancient symbol of heart consciousness and tis expansion. / Uraltes Symbol des Herzbewusstseins und seiner Ausweitung.