SHAMANIC HEALING HEARTBEAT: The Flight of Quetzalcoatl
millennial old process of transformation with the galactic Mayas
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Testimonies from Mexico and Europe, about very different versions of this holiest of all workshops: the SHAMANIC HEALING HEARTBEAT!
Testimonies of the Shamanic-Heartbeat Retreat in Babcice, Czech Republic, Easter 2012. Interview Nr. 2 and 3 are in German, rest in English.
«I am still passionate about the SHAMANIC HEALING HEARTBEAT with you, and how deeply it has touched me inside, and how
you are close as a shaman or
master of ceremony and let us participate in your wisdom. The workshop was marvellous, afterwards I had such a high vibration in me, it was madness. Somehow my whole body was vibrating, I
almost felt as I would get an orgasm (excuse me if I say this so openly). Your way of working with us is ingenious and I am so thankful for your wonderfull exercices, rituals and healing
ceremonies.» Marianna Barmann, Tirol,
April 2017
The supreme vehicle of this wisdom, and the companion of the hero, is the dragon in you (or the dragon's power), with its various names, according to the culture: Quetzalcoatl in
Mexico, the "feathered serpent";
Kundalini in white Tantra, the sacred alchemy of yin and yang, female and male energy, the foundation of our dual (and for the most fatal, in the sense of fate-determining) system.
The dragon's heart is the
– logically unidentifiable, energetic, light- and vibration-sensitive
– heart of the DNA and the pivot point of your double helix, as well as the access to your cosmic database (the "cosmic books" of the Maya), including life and human history as well as the
dormant (medial, hypercommunicative, manifestive) abilities. That is why the myth says: to whomever conquers the
"heart of the dragon" the dragon obeys, the power of
the dragon passes to him.
In other words, this reminds us of the largely incomprehensible functions of ADN (medial skills, perception of the whole or totality, "peak experiences"), which are then called "junk-ADN".
This brings us back to the starting point: who opens his heart, also increases his energy frequency, which also increases the possibility that unused genetic codes are read or "rewritten":
gene activation.
This is nothing but your healing process, your "Shamanic Healing", in fractal union with Hunab Ku
– the galactic heart; it is your ascension, your galactic-cosmic heartbeat as shaman of the planet through the ages, it is our all evolution as mankind. It is a prayer of the heart and the light. Amen.
Benefits from this workshop:
• You totally change your perception within a few hours, free yourself from emotional bonds and heal your inside, your soul.
• You learn to live from your inner healer or shaman, to see the world like the ancient sages of the planet.
• You are undergoing a powerful process of transformation that the Mayan masters have transmitted to Pascal K'in Greub in more than 13 years.
Pascal K'in leads you through the gates of the Shamanic Healing Heartbeat, beyond time and space, according to the sacred way of the shamans and Mayan masters of Mexico. During this ceremony, no psychotropic substances are taken. A special atmosphere will be created in the group as if everyone were at an elder ceremony in Mexico. Each participant transcends his three-dimensional identity for the duration of the workshop, remembering knowledge from other parallel times and spaces, moments of his ancient soul wisdom.
The graduation to consciousness of unity is gained through breathing and physical exercises and with the help of the "present" Light Masters. Among other things, the following rituals and exercises are performed (with deviations depending on the group):
• opening of the heart magnetic field and introduction to the K-point (overcoming the polarity) • Freeing body vehicles of emotional and mental patterns ("dismemberment")
• The smoothing of the pendulum; model of the time dimensions
• Receiving information from a spirit guide or light master
• Discovering the Plasma Earth
• Connecting with secret codes of certain Mayan pyramids
• The sacred Ritual of Quetzalcoatl, the Cosmic Serpent, Kundalini (the coronation ritual in the book LATTICE SURFING in German, p. 115).
Scientific background information on these shamanic exercises, according to Dr. Esther del Rio, who was elected as "International Woman of the Year" by the University of Cambridge in 1996 and invited Pascal K'in several times to her congresses and symposia, shows us the way to a new energy medicine:
The charismatic biochemist says that we would not age if the light ran "through our veins" for a lifetime. In deed, the light rushes through us in a natural way, thanks to the molecules of liquid-crystal water (H2O37), which has a state of aggregation between liquid and solid. But it requires a well-functioning iron oxide grid, discovered by Dr. med. Esther del Rio in 1968 as pyramidal magnetites, long time ago recognized by Chinese medicine as meridian paths. However, this network (Lattice!) gets into a miserable state through deep-vibrating emotions such as anger, fear, love withdrawal, consciousness of poverty and environmental toxins: our cells then no longer transform ordinary water into liquid-crystal water, which can be found in a few high-altitude mountain water springs and brings longevity to the over one hundred year lamas of Tibet and other mountain inhabitants. This way the storage and communication capability of our liquid crystal water crystals decreases, and the cells then no longer carry light. Again, a scientific proof: we are beings of light.
If we follow this knowledge, we are doing the same as the great Mayan shamans. See how easy it is to keep you fit, healthy and young:
1. Keep your energy up: through energetic "heart opening and centering" exercises, Biosynthergy© exercises, inner transformation towards self-love -->
2. Maintain inner iron oxide grid (magnetite net, meridians): Lattice exercises (!), emotion control, check your lifestyle -->
3. Let light flit through you: advanced light body exercises and meditations.
What do you bring home from this transpersonal workshop?
1. Learn to really live from the heart (the workshop is 100% practical and shows you in dynamic exercises that you can continue to use at home, how to balance at the same time body, emotions, head and your spirit).
2. Learn to use creatively the cosmic network in which everything is connected with everything, and change your life according to universal law towards more abundance and happiness (explore the world of quantum, holograms and hypercommunication from the point of view of a shaman).
3. Connect with the dragon power lost in our latitudes, which will give you health, wisdom, heart connection and higher consciousness.
4. In healing meditations receive wholeness, gene activation, as well as messages from angels, light masters, and your ancestors.
In Pascal's ceremonies, even unacquainted participants experience contacts with parallel universes, beings of light and ancient soul knowledge, thus enabling them to permanently decouple and liberate their body vehicle from mental and emotional patterns. There is plenty of time for everyone to share with others, ground and assimilate into life.
Process and requirements: No prior knowledge or experience is necessary. All people who are ready to let go the head and open their hearts for one another in love, are welcome. It is helpful if the participant is aware of abandoning old paradigms, of giving up, of "sacrificing" something that is no longer useful.
"You can only get the gifts that are waiting for you if you really want to change something in your perception of the world, if you are willing to give something for it," the Mayan masters say.
Comfortable, light clothes, a yoga mat, drum or rattle or nothing, as well as an open heart, is all you need. And do not forget: "Let go of what you think you know!" - because that would only slow down the shamanic heartbeat.
Ta pisilic junax cotantic, means in the Mayan language Tzeltal:
"We are one only heart."
More information about the spiritual Mayan schools.
Fotogallery: Gallerie here
Parents with children are welcome (children pay half from 10-14 years). Your experience will be unique as mom or dad. Your children will feel like in the Harry Potter school. Just remember that you may not be able to participate in all activities as if you were alone and that you are responsible for your children all the time. Children up to 10 years pay nothing, feel free to give a donation to the Healing Center SEMUK in Mexico or the Association Tiempo del Corazón. Write us for more discount with many children etc.
There are opportunities for individual sessions with Pascal K'in (regressions to past lives, mayan healing, master contacts, kinesiology, life coaching) before or after the workshop. Duration: 55 minutes. Compensation: € 130.00, CHF 150.00, CZK 1800. Check out special prices with the organizer.
Booking for 30 May 2018, Prague, CZ.
Information, location and price in Czech here.
Beginning: 10:00 am, end: 20:00
For lunch everyone brings something yami to share for our SHAMANIC BUFFET.
Bring: Mirrors, sacred objects, gifts for the altar, blindfold just in case ...
Tuesday, 29 may 2018: Healing meditation and satsang "the 5 traps on the path to your mastery"