Pascal K’in Greub was economist, actor and therapist in Europe. Then during 10 years he has been trained by Mayan masters in Mexico as Wisdom Keeper and modern medicine man; they gave his work the name Cosmic Theatre.


Since 2000 he has blended with a team of specialists the practical knowledge of Ancient Cultures and the latest results from psychology, quantum physics, neuroscience and coaching in a lifelike method for everyone.


His mission is that of a bridge builder between one of the oldest cultures on earth, the Mayas, and the modern globalized world . He is concerned to learn from old sources of wisdom with respect and to provide by that tools for a new lifestyle.

On a hidden Pyramid in Bonampak, Lacandon Rainforest, Chiapas.
On a hidden Pyramid in Bonampak, Lacandon Rainforest, Chiapas.


CV: Pascal K'in Greub, citizen of Switzerland and Mexico, studied Economical Science at Basel University, later acted and directed at different Theatres in Europe. Among his outstanding teachers are Yoshi Oida, Augusto Boal and Ducu Darie. At the same time he formed himself in Kinesiology and meditation techniques.  

In December 31, 1999, a former dream is manifesting when he meets the Mayan Priest Don Lauro in Mexico, a fact that would change his life forever. In the year 2000 he emigrates to Mexico: 33 years old, with three suitcases and the willingness to learn, remember and be initiated in the millenarian teachings of the Mayas. He became the last member of the “Group of Creation”.


He is in charge of independent groups worldwide, teaches at universities in the fields of Education, Psychology/Psychotherapy and Sustainability, and leads tailored projects for companies such as LEGO Group, Belcorp, John Deer, Carrefour, Bimbo Group, AstraZeneca.


He is National Coordinator for Mexico of the UNESCO-project Culture in the Neighbourhood.





                                                                                            Maya-Priest Don Lauro de la Cruz, in Sonora, Mexico.



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