"Schon nach 2 Wochenenden merkte ich, wie meine Hüfte eine andere Form bekam. Nun nach 3 Wochen Training mit den Übungen von Pascal, ihr könnt es sehen, bin ich ganz schlank hier, ich habe 6 Kilo abgenommen; oder es ist so, wie wenn die Energie woanders hinging."
Calin, Tänzerin, Puebla, Mexiko (in einem Video während eines Kurses aufgenommen)
“There is no word to describe the sensation. What comes close to it is happiness, an immense happiness, happy! The exercise and the energy are flowing, in one exercise you feel exhaustion, in the next one it disappears. Later on the energy explodes; it is an energy explosion and immediate recovery… Excellent!
It stimulates a lot your power, I mean you are in a tension with pain … and you say or you give up or you go on … so you are the one to decide! That’s why it comes to that explosion and you liberate that scream from deep within. In that moment of the scream is where a deep relaxation enters your body. This one just intrigued me!
Me as a Spinning Instructor I give very strong trainings, it is about strength, speed, resistance. There is a slight difference to Biosyntergy of course,
but this one would be the total recovery afterwards! It is equivalent to a session of 40 intense minutes of Spinning … in 3 minutes!” Claudia Robles, Spinning Trainer, Mexicali,
B.C., Mexico (see end of video)