Wanna go on living in your Maya-world?

Wanna go on living in your Maya-world? ...

In India Maya means illusion. The "Mayan Master" questions the world that surrounds him and he has adapted as the only truth, mostly since his education and formation. He begins with a little craziness, like an artist to play with it. He becomes a "joker" of reality.
Just as the quantum physicist John Wheeler understands the universe as a participatory universe , we are even more than influential  observers, we are cocreating participants. This is part of the new consciousness, far from any victimization and arrogance. We find confirmation to it in the results of the new sciences and the wisdom of the knowledge keepers of ancient cultures. In the new book "Lattice-Surfing", that I am happy to finish these days and that will release first in Spanish and German beginning 2013, 
I write about all this. Humankind is now getting their upgrade as cosmic surfers through the Lattice.
Welcome to the path of self-discoverers and of those who act instead of blaming! I wish you a wonderful summer, wherever you are, with much love, success and wealth. Here in Mexico is your home, as we say here. I hope
to may welcome you soon at one of the retreats here on the magic mountain, or at our spiritual Mayan-journey December 2012 - January 2013.
I remain with heart-timly greetings, Pascal K'in

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